theories of international strategy

Includes a forum and best practices. Institute for Politics and Strategy › Courses › Undergraduate Courses › Theories of International Relations Theories of International Relations Course Number: 84-326 . Rostow assumes that all countries have an equal chance to develop, without regard to population size, natural resources, or location. Multinational corporations choose from among three basic international strategies: (1) multidomestic, (2) global, and (3) transnational. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, geographers and those involved with the vast field of Development Studies have sought to answer this question, and in the process, have come up with many different models to explain this phenomenon. Firms—that pursue an international strategy—have valuable core competencies that host- country competitors do not possess and face minimal pressures for local responsiveness and cost reductions. Export-led growth is a development strategy aimed at growing productive capacity by focusing on foreign markets. Using these ideas, Rostow penned his classic Stages of Economic Growth in 1960, which presented five steps through which all countries must pass to become developed: 1) traditional society, 2) preconditions to take-off, 3) take-off, 4) drive to maturity and 5) age of high mass consumption. Study hundreds of summaries of concepts, approaches and tools. Similarly, consumer goods maker Procter & Gamble attempts to gain efficiency by creating global brands whenever possible. 115–18. Comparative Advantage: The advantage in the production of a product enjoyed by one country over another. Each strategy involves a different approach to trying to build efficiency across nations while remaining responsive to variations in customer preferences and market conditions. Climate change represents an unprecedented global challenge. This strategy is the complete opposite of a multidomestic strategy. Accordingly, other countries should model themselves after the West, aspiring to a "modern" state of capitalism and a liberal democracy. Binns, Tony, et al. These firms make some concessions to local tastes too. Realism that still dominates the field of IR through its new version As Realist perceives the nature of human as selfish and egoistic which will incline more towards immorality. Geographies of Development: An Introduction to Development Studies, 3rd ed. 1.2 STRATEGY THEORIES. International relations theories can be divided into " positivist / rationalist " theories which focus on a principally state-level analysis, and " post-positivist / reflectivist " ones which incorporate expanded meanings of security, ranging from class, to gender, to postcolonial security. Figure 7.23: Attribution information for all included images is in the chapter conclusion. While Rostow illustrates faith in a capitalist system, scholars have criticized his bias towards a western model as the only path towards development. Bartlett and Ghoshal originally didn’t include this type in their typologies. There are three main international strategies available: (1) multidomestic, (2) global, and (3) transnational (Figure 7.23 “International Strategy”). This is Gerschenkron's concept of the late developers. International management researchers have examined the relationships between many components of strategy including mode of entry (e.g., Anderson and Gatignon, 1986; Hill, Huang and Kim, 1990; Kim and Huang, 1992; Kogut and Singh, 1988), international collaboration (e.g., Bresser and Harl, 1986; Buckley and Casson, 1988; Contractor and Kundu, 1988; Osborn and Baughn, 1990; … Rostow was fiercely anti-communist and right-wing; he modeled his theory after western capitalist countries, which had industrialized and urbanized. This course focuses on teaching the main approaches for the study of international relations. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Rostow's model illustrates a desire not only to assist lower income countries in the development process but also to assert the United States' influence over that of communist Russia. Which of the three international strategies is Kia using? Since WWII, international organizations have become more prominent players in the international system. Retrieved from However, there are many criticisms of his model. The Korean state has deliberately adjusted economy through subsidies, protection, price controls (food, etc. An international company therefore has little need for local adaption and global integration. Theories of strategy attempt to explain the underlying forces which produce this advantage or are the primary factors of consideration in producing advantage. The export-led growth paradigm rose to prominence in the late 1970s when it replaced the import-substitution paradigm that had dominated development policy thinking (especially in Latin America) in the thirty years after World War II. Which of the theories of international trade can help Indian services providers gain competitive edge over their competitors? The goal is industrialized, capitalist liberal democracy; the U.S. is the model. It was, however, also grounded in the historical and political context in which he wrote. Lack of institutions and infrastructure not necessarily the problem. His idea was that there were countries in Europe that wanted to follow in the industrial footsteps of Britain. Theories of International Conflict: Bargaining Theory of War (Rationalist Explanation of War), Alliance and War, Diversionary Theory of War, Democratic Peace 39 40. [Note the focus on external stimulus: how did it happen in the first cases, then? Installation of physical infrastructure (roads, railways, etc.) The John A. Dutton e-Education Institute is the learning design unit of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University. It explores successful developmental strategies but also tries to identify factors behind failed endeavours and the human costs associated with them. Geographers often seek to categorize places using a scale of development, frequently dividing nations into the "developed" and "developing," "first world" and "third world," or "core" and "periphery." Marketing theories, in turn, shape the manager's frame of mind regarding the market. Nonetheless, though each country has its own set of circumstances that facilitate its economic development path, all countries and their economies are linked to the global economy. Rock, The Pennsylvania State University. (2014). This South Korean company has had tremendous growth in US sales over the past six years, basically by replicating Honda’s earlier strategy of producing basic, reliable cars for the very low end of the market. A firm using a multidomestic strategy sacrifices efficiency in favor of emphasizing responsiveness to local requirements within each of its markets. Stages of Economic Growth was published in 1960, at the height of the Cold War, and with the subtitle "A Non-Communist Manifesto," it was overtly political. These strategies vary in their emphasis on achieving efficiency around the world and responding to local needs. Such a firm tries to balance the desire for efficiency with the need to adjust to local preferences within various countries. Identify examples of companies using each of the three international strategies other than those described above. Singapore is a southeast Asian country with a population of over five million, and when it became independent in 1965, it did not seem to have any exceptional prospects for growth. "Singapore." Rostow argues that through increased investment, increased exposure to modernized, Western society, and changes in traditional culture and values, societies will become more highly developed. Rostow believes that poorer places are in an initial or beginning stage of development, while countries with higher levels of GNP are in a later stage of higher development. A global strategy – where minor or no modifications to products and services are made – and is used by iconic products such as Tabasco. Next: Options for Competing in International Markets, Mastering Strategic Management - 1st Canadian Edition, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The theories and practice of development are normally considered to be technocratic, and developed a momentum of their own in the high modernist period of political thought that emerged following the Second World War'. It ignores a lot of geography and history, such as the impact of colonization on economic development. Import substitution industrialization (ISI) is a trade and economic policy that advocates replacing foreign imports with domestic production. Understand what a transnational strategy involves and be able to offer an example. There are advantages to late development, though: you can learn from your predecessors' mistakes, borrow their best and latest approaches, and plan the timing of your market entry. Global strategies also can be very effective for firms whose product or service is largely hidden from the customer’s view, such as silicon chip maker Intel. CIA World Factbook, 2012. Walmart’s annual worldwide sales, for example, are larger than the dollar value of the entire economies of Austria, Norway, and Saudi Arabia. The notion of strategic theory as a method of analysis has slowly, over the course of 40 years, permeated the domain of international relations and political studies via the work of those like Thomas Schelling and Colin Gray – classic strategic theorists – and has been increasingly used and acknowledged as a tool to assist in the comprehension of decision making. Through historic (colonial) and contemporary (neo-colonial) interaction, developing countries have seen change, but for the worse. Understand what a global strategy involves and be able to offer an example. Common concerns include raising national savings rates; balancing growth in different sectors of the economy; managing the demographic and economic shifts that go along with transitions from a rural, agrarian society to an urban, industrial one; managing monetary policy so that foreign investors will invest in the country and trust the national currency, and so on. Many organizations seek to become marketing-driven. The goal here is to develop a diversified economy, rather than specialize in a primary commodity. Investment in manufacturing exceeds 10% of national income; development of modern social, economic, and political institutions, a. Lesson 5: Territorial Geopolitics - Shaky Foundations of the World Political Map? Harlow: Pearson Education, 2008. Traditional international relations theories characterize the international system as anarchic and focus on interactions between nation-states. The continuous evolutionary behavior of international trade theories brings us back in the 1980’s where Kalvin Lancaster and Paul Krugman introduced the concept of strategies, based on global level rivalries, targeting multinational corporations and the struggle needed in achieving higher advantages as compared to other international companies. An example of this at the firm level would be the car manufacturer, Kia. International Development is a comprehensive inquiry into the field of socio-economic development founded on an understanding that economic advancement involves transformation of society. Mintzberg's perspective-- This approach makes sense for McDonald’s because wine is a central element of French diets. Appendix 1: Mastering Strategic Management Powerpoints. ), and restrictions on foreign direct investment. International: Low Integration and Low Responsiveness. Walmart owns significant numbers of stores, as of mid-2014, in Mexico (2,207),  Brazil (556), Japan (437), the United Kingdom (577), Canada (390), Chile (386), Argentina (105), and China (400). Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Source of cheap labor and raw materials for the developed countries, through which these poor countries were then further depleted & impoverished. Commercial exploitation of agriculture and extractive industry, b. The flowchart starts at the bottom left with traditional society and moves up and to the right through the following steps. Contact Us, Privacy & Legal Statements | Copyright Information The continuous evolutionary behavior of international trade theories brings us back in the 1980’s where Kalvin Lancaster and Paul Krugman introduced the concept of strategies, based on global level rivalries, targeting multinational corporations and the struggle needed in achieving higher advantages as compared to other international companies. Stock report on Walmart. Countries that do not develop like the U.S. or Europe are seen as “problems”. Rather than trying to force all of its American-made shows on viewers around the globe, MTV customizes the programming that is shown on its channels within dozens of countries, including New Zealand, Portugal, Pakistan, and India.Similarly, food company H. J. Heinz adapts its pr… Below we provide examples of how a firm’s decision may provide some answers to how you might fill your belly. Rostow's theory can be classified as "top-down," or one that emphasizes a trickle-down modernization effect from urban industry and western influence to develop a country as a whole. Rostow lays out five succinct steps towards development and critics have cited that all countries do not develop in such a linear fashion; some skip steps or take different paths. Department of International Business Strategy, McCaig Chair in Management, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada ... (2013) classic book, Theories of the Multinational Firm. Suggested Theory to gain dynamism and competitiveness in Operation A. If Kia were a country, its current sales level of approximately $42 billion (in 2012) would place it in the top 75 among the more than 180 nations in the world (Wal-Mart Stores Inc., 2014). Kia did exactly what Honda did starting in the 1970s, but with even cheaper cars, more efficient production methods, and a lot of help from the South Korean government. A firm using a global strategy sacrifices responsiveness to local requirements within each of its markets in favor of emphasizing efficiency. Because some Indians will not eat garlic and onion, for example, Heinz offers them a version of its signature ketchup that does not include these two ingredients. You had to have leading-edge technology, and you had to raise or save huge amounts of capital to compensate for the lead that Britain had, and come on board producing with the very latest technology and competing aggressively for market share. Countries differ widely in terms of the products and services traded. Recap Beyond ‘Isms’- Recent Trends in IR: 1. In a marketing-driven company, all decisions are made based on a marketing philosophy, and marketing is the job of everyone in the company. If you wanted to get into the game, you had to come in incredibly big. ISI is based on the premise that a country should attempt to reduce its foreign dependency through the local production of industrialized products. Different theories of international business provide insights about favorable locates for exports as well as potentially successful export products. IR Various Theories on Four Levels of Analysis 2015 Page 3 international systems as a means to analyze international relations.2 This specific level includes classical realism, neorealism, neoliberal institutionalism, and constructivism.3 As a response to human nature, classical realism was first introduced in the work of Walmart also participates in joint ventures in China (328 stores) and India (5). The players were all notable game theorists, and each devised a particular strategy in an attempt to win the game. For such firms, variance in local preferences is not very important. Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services. The following information is quoted from Jacobs, J. In the continuing evolution of international trade theories, Michael Porter of Harvard Business School developed a new model to explain national competitive advantage in 1990. Is this the best strategy for Kia to be using? All places, therefore, are at some stage in a development sequence. International operations strategy deals with the … One example is based on the fact of low real income in developing countries which is the result of low labour productivity. Industrialization, urbanization, and trade in the vein of Rostow's model are still seen by many as a roadmap for a country's development. A firm that has operations in more than one country. The theories of International relations defines security differently. It is one of the most sought-after trade partners in the international market, with a higher per-capita income than many European countries. Notwithstanding this limitation, some remarkable developments have already taken place in the sphere of the theory of international politics building. Therefore, each human motivation theory or strategy must be researched and examined in detail to understand the value and individual challenges presented. Development of wider industrial and commercial base, b. Underdevelopment from the viewpoint of these theories is the result of vicious circles of factors. Very often, the state has to raise huge amounts of capital by borrowing on the international lending markets. Some minor modifications to products and services may be made in various markets, but a global strategy stresses the need to gain economies of scale by offering essentially the same products or services in each market. As a staff member in President John F. Kennedy's administration, Rostow promoted his development model as part of U.S. foreign policy. To sacrifice responsiveness to local preferences in favor of efficiency. The question of who they serve is integral. Companies that employ such strategy are often headquartered exclusively in their country of origin, allowing them to circumvent the need to invest in staff and facilities overseas. For example, while Singapore is one of the most economically prosperous countries, it also has one of the highest income disparities in the world. Compatible w/ any of above, coordinated by the state to reduce inefficiencies. Lesson 6: Network Geopolitics - Social Movements and Terrorists, Lesson 7: Global Geopolitical Structure - Framing Agency, Lesson 8: International Political Economy - Economic Geography and Globalization, The International Economic Order - Neoliberal Capitalism, International Development Patterns, Strategies, Theories & Explanations, Commodities, Commodity Chains and the Global Assembly Line, Lesson 11: Environmental Geopolitics - Security and Sustainability, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, iMPS in Renewable Energy and Sustainability Policy Program Office, BA in Energy and Sustainability Policy Program Office, 2217 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. Understanding Thought Patterns: A Key to Corporate Leadership? One of the key thinkers in twentieth-century Development Studies was W.W. Rostow, an American economist, and government official. Mainstream examples would probably include coffee in Peru and parts of sub-Sarahan Africa; low-wage labor forces for manufacturing in Vietnam, Thailand, Mexico; software from Silicon Valley and Seattle; etc. Heinz uses a multidomestic strategy where foods are customized to be responsive to local tastes. Although Walmart tends to be viewed as an American retailer, the firm earns more than one-quarter of its revenues outside the United States. This courseware module is part of Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences' OER Initiative. One way to learn more about this is to investigate global commodity chains (also known as the “global assembly line”) that produce our everyday products. Singapore is now highly urbanized, with 100% of the population considered "urban." Vernon, R. “Theories of Foreign Direct Investment Taken from the Field of Industrial Organization.” In: S. Raveed and Y. R. Puri (eds. Similarly, food company H. J. Heinz adapts its products to match local preferences. Since the problem is the international capitalist system, the solution is a revolution of the capitalist system. Involves balancing the desire for efficiency with the need to varying preferences across countries. It purports that what developing countries need is at least an initial stimulus from an outside source, a developed country perhaps, to jumpstart the process. In France, for example, wine can be purchased at McDonald’s. Rostow's principal argument is that some places have progressed further than others in terms of economic development (as represented by the map of GNP). Rostow believes that poorer places are in an initial or beginning stage of development, while countries with higher levels of GNP are in a later stage of higher development. Retrieved from, Wal-Mart Stores Inc.  (2014). The goal is industrialized, capitalist liberal democracy; the U.S. is the model. 1. b. Finally, Rostow disregards one of the most fundamental geographical principals: site and situation. Unequal exchange and declining terms of trade. However, it industrialized early, developing profitable manufacturing and high-tech industries. It does not address the obstacles to development that previously colonized regions face: exploitation of resources, genocide, political domination during long periods of time, civil unrest, extreme poverty, artificial boundaries (Africa). The Traditional Theory of International Trade •Main conclusion of the neoclassical model is that all countries gain from trade •World output increases with trade •Countries will tend to specialize in products that use their abundant resources intensively •International wage rates and capital costs will gradually tend toward equalization Each of the models or strategies above will or won’t work (in the form mentioned or in some hybrid or modified form) depending upon historical contingencies, government structure, geopolitical positioning, environmental resource endowments, and so forth. Retrieved March 26, 2015. All places, therefore, are at some stage in a development sequence. One size fits all. A firm using a multidomestic strategy sacrifices efficiency in favor of emphasizing responsiveness to local requirements within each of its markets. Even more modestly sized MNCs are still very powerful. Rostow's principal argument is that some places have progressed further than others in terms of economic development (as represented by the map of GNP). Singapore is one of the best examples of a country that grew in this way and is now a notable player in the global economy. Other authors on the other hand have attributed the name to the lower left corner of the matrix. Using an international strategy means focusing on exporting products and services to foreign markets, or conversely, importing goods and resources from other countries for domestic use. There are different theories as to the role of international organizations in maintaining peace and security. In spite of the many critiques of Rostow's model, it is still one of the most widely cited development theories and is a primary example of the intersection of geography, economics, and politics. Transition triggered by external influence, interests, or markets, a. For example, large fast-food chains such as McDonald’s and KFC rely on the same brand names and the same core menu items around the world. Chapter 1: Mastering Strategy: Art and Science, Defining Strategic Management and Strategy, Intended, Emergent, and Realized Strategies, Understanding the Strategic Management Process, Chapter 3: Evaluating the External Environment, The Relationship between an Organization and Its Environment, Beyond Resource-Based Theory: Other Views on Firm Performance, Chapter 5: Selecting Business-Level Strategy, Understanding Business-Level Strategy through “Generic Strategies”, Focused Cost Leadership and Focused Differentiation, Chapter 6: Supporting the Business-Level Strategy: Competitive and Cooperative Moves, Chapter 7: Competing in International Markets, Advantages and Disadvantages of Competing in International Markets, Drivers of Success and Failure When Competing in International Markets, Options for Competing in International Markets, Chapter 8: Selecting Corporate-Level Strategies, Portfolio Planning and Corporate-Level Strategy, Chapter 9: Executing Strategy through Organizational Design, The Basic Building Blocks of Organizational Structure, Chapter 10: Leading an Ethical Organization: Corporate Governance, Corporate Ethics, and Social Responsibility, Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility. 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