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If they want to say that they smashed someone's head into a wall because they were angry, then the first sentence is the right one. Tears rose, and she wiped them away, scared something would go wrong at the last minute. I figured you'd be so busy defending the scum of the earth you wouldn't have a minute to spare. A certain pressure of air is required to maintain circulation against the resistance, and for a given volume per minute the smaller and more irregular the mine openings the greater must be the pressure. Identify the Position of Adjectives in a Sentence A a. Ananya always wanted a pet dog. Her hand hung over the phone a minute as she fought with the urge to call Howard. Having arrived at the conclusion that the food of plants consists of minute particles of earth taken up by their rootlets, it followed that the more thoroughly the soil in which they grew was disintegrated, the more abundant would be the " pasture " (as he called it) to which their fibres would have access. If we pass a little higher up the scale ot life we meet with forms consisting of two or more cells, each of which contains a similar minute mass of living substance, A study of them shows that each is practically independent of the others; in fact, the connection between them is so slight that they can separate and each becofne free without the slightest disadvantage to another. Alex walked toward her and it was a minute before Destiny spotted him. These cilia pass on any diatoms and -_„ other minute organism which come within their range of action to the -_-„ capacious oval mouth, which appears as a mere 10 --- deepening of the gutter in the middle line. Learn adjectives that start with A with example sentences. A minute later Sonya came in with a frightened, guilty, and scared look. (adverb clause modifying the verb 'wondered') 3) Though he didn't receive formal schooling, he is … up-to-the-minute adjective. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. prae-gen, Tergite of the prae11, The minute eleventh somite; genital somite. True to his word, Jonny left Xander's at the fifty-eight minute mark. I can't believe for a minute she wants to hurt you. Selecting adjectives - add 2 adjectives to each sentence. He listened for a minute and then his tone was sharp. Her breath knocked from her, Deidre didn't move for a long minute then sat up, gasping. Indeed, the historical and present importance of this aspect or branch of zoological science is so great that the name " zoology " has until recently been associated entirely with it, to the exclusion of the study of minute anatomical structure and function which have been distinguished as anatomy and physiology. If they put a gun to my grandson, I'd falter in a minute. By the crushing action of their pincers, and an alternate backward and forward movement, they bring the soft blood-holding tissues of the victim close to the minute pin-hole aperture which is the scorpion's mouth. I got a cheap flight at the last minute. Would you please be serious for one minute and answer my question? For a minute, I thought he was going to strangle me to death. Where you place them can impact the meaning of your sentence. The minute he detected something more than a platonic relationship, it was going to be good-by friendship. You have twenty minutes to complete the test. They are also always used after the verb ‘to be’. If you want to describe a noun in detail, you can use more than one adjective. wakie123. Here, step by step we will explain how to identify an adjective in a sentence. A unit of angular measurement equal to one sixtieth of a degree, or 60 seconds. In these grade 1 grammar worksheets students are asked to circle the adjectives and underline the nouns each adjective describes. 3. An adjective describes a _____. wait a minute/second phrase. St Winifred's holy well, one of the wonders of Wales, sends up water at the rate of 21 tons a minute, of an almost unvarying temperature, higher than that of ordinary spring water. One minute he'd be drinking in the beauty of the countryside and the next feeling a wave of anxiety, realizing what had begun as a mild suspicion was close to culminating in a face-to-face confrontation with Jeffrey Byrne. Get a quick overview of Identify the position of Adjectives in a sentence from Correct Use of Some Adjectives in just 3 minutes. A house is the most expensive thing most people will buy in their lives. A minute entosternite having the above-described structure is found in the Crustacean Apus between the bases of the mandibles, and also in the Decapoda in a similar position, but in no Crustacean does it attain to any size or importance. Jackson stood close enough to hear the conversation, and as soon as the moron committed to buy a watercolor; he approached Elisabeth, put his arms around her and said, Darling, the caterer needs to see you for a minute. Share practice link . The adjective in this sentence is “tall” but because we are comparing two nouns then we need to use the comparative adjective “taller”. In some cases it shows, when submitted to a careful examination under the highest powers of the microscope, and especially when treated with reagents of various kinds, traces of a more or less definite structure in the form of a meshwork consisting of a clear homogeneous substance containing numerous minute bodies known as microsomes, the spaces being filled by a more fluid ground-substance. Pick the Sentence which has an Adjective. Opisthosoma three minute and forming a slender generally-retracted tail like that of Thelyphonus. Laura Bridgman could tell minute shades of difference in the size of thread, and made beautiful lace. Centrosome.The centrosome is a minute homogeneous granule found in the cytoplasm of some cells in the neighborhood of the nucleus. Count Ilya, again thrusting his way through the crowd, went out of the drawing room and reappeared a minute later with another committeeman, carrying a large silver salver which he presented to Prince Bagration. After Tess broke their engagement - at the last minute - there had been no reason for him to hold his end of the bargain... nothing but integrity. Cynthia was standing at her bureau for a last minute comb of her hair. The three sat in the kitchenette of the holding cell since Sarah refused to leave Connor, even for a minute. She lets me kiss her now, and when she is in a particularly gentle mood, she will sit in my lap for a minute or two; but she does not return my caresses. He sat for a minute trying to figure out how to fix things, but came up empty. In the sentence He feels bad, we use the adjective bad (rather than the adverb badly) because it follows the linking verb feels. GRAMMAR IN ONE MINUTE NAGA RAJU K Helps you learn Faster than ever. He observed the glass for a minute then dipped his index finger and touched it to his tongue. In 1900 it was shown that the coxal gland of Limulus is provided with a very delicate thin-walled coiled duct which opens, even in the adult condition, by a minute pore on the coxa of the fifth leg (Patten and Hazen, 13A). Later papers 7 give the results of a more minute examination of those specimens which were remarkable for very low and very high permeabilities, and were therefore likely to be of commercial importance. Denton is supposed to be here any minute. He loved the way she could be wanton and sensual one minute, then bashful and demure the next. 286+56 sentence examples: 1. Why, she'll rush out more dead than alive just in the things she is wearing; if you delay at all there'll be tears and 'Papa' and 'Mamma,' and she's frozen in a minute and must go back--but you wrap the fur cloak round her first thing and carry her to the sleigh. Of these there were three possible forms - (1) relaxation, (2) contraction of the minute passages or ropoc, and (3) a mixed state, partly lax, partly constricted. Your sentence should be "This apple is minuscule and I don’t want to buy it". The minute globular bodies have occasionally a sub-pearly lustre, and glassy rocks which possess this structure have been called perlites (q.v.). I never said you could borrow my car. Grammar worksheets: adjectives in sentences. At the same time the discovery of new diseases, unknown to the ancients, and the keener attention which the great epidemics of plague caused to be paid to those already known, led to more minute study of the natural history of disease. I walked away from the man who was covered in sweat. Adjectives after nouns - identify adjectives / nouns in sentences where the noun comes first. The clerk ascertains what he considers to be the judgment of the assembly, and records it in a minute. For a minute after the patio door slid shut she stood in stunned silence, too shocked by his outburst to think of a response. ", Jackson asked, "So, are there any last minute things you need done?". comprising the primitive phyllopods, the minute copepods, the parasitic cirrhipedes and the powerful crabs and lobsters, and the highly elaborated sand-hoppers and slaters. Normally Dean wouldn't have considered for a minute betray­ing a confidence, but somehow he felt this young girl deserved to know. I need a minute to cool down. He was with Carmen almost every minute he was in the state. All the other teeth are simple, conical, minute and placed at considerable and irregular intervals apart in the jaws, the number appearing to vary in different individuals and even on different sides of the jaw of the same indi viduals. As a rule the cells are minute, and this has especially stood in the way of embryological research. He won't stay with us for a minute when he learns what I did. [size – shape – color] While Betsy loved her position, she was far more enchanted with our success and would adopt it as a full time venture in a minute. Their own code of manners is minute and strict, and they observe its provisions faithfully. 1) The angler said that he hadn't caught any fish that morning. Some English adjectives and adverbs, for example, even, almost, only, just, nearly are very flexible and can be placed almost anywhere in a sentences. However, minuscule may not be the right word, depending on the context and what you're trying to say. Sometimes just naming a person, place, or thing is not enough. Other passengers got there earlier and took all the seats. We are now going to take a look at where the adjective should be placed within a sentence in order to make it sound as authentic as possible. Its first period had passed: when the partisans themselves, amazed at their own boldness, feared every minute to be surrounded and captured by the French, and hid in the forests without unsaddling, hardly daring to dismount and always expecting to be pursued. The incredibly tired bear was lying down. Equally minute is his knowledge of the systems of the Christian heretics. While adjectives are the most common part of speech used to modify nouns, they are not the onlypart of speech that can do so. After wiping the cream off, spread the cold gel liberally with the cheeks for the neck. The appendages of the 2nd somite of the opisthosoma absent, rarely minute and budlike (some Amblypygi), never pectiniform. 128. minute adjective definition: very small: . A minute knowledge of printed books and a methodical examination of departmental and communal archives furnished him with material for a long course of successful lectures, which gave rise to some important works on municipal history and led to a great revival of interest in the origins and significance of the urban communities in France. The minute she saw it, she started to feel her tension ease. Tomorrow would be another day at the house, and she intended to enjoy every minute of this day with Cade. 46) is atrophied, or whether, if present, it has the form of a pair of tactile palps or of minute chelae. "In a minute, in a minute," he said, dipping his pen. I meet various sentences with adjectives, We have two kinds of adjectives, i-adjectives and na-adjectives, which basically function as a predicate this way: この猫はかわいい。-- plain form Another word for minute. Standardized tests often include sentences misusing these […] see this sentence "I am 10 minutes late" late is an adjective in this case Source late1 /leɪt/ S1 W1 adjective (comparative later, superlative latest) 1 AFTER EXPECTED TIME arriving, Brewers' wort remains unchanged for years, milk keeps permanently sweet, and these and other complex liquids remain unaltered when freely exposed to air from which all these minute organisms are removed. They gazed at each other for a long, quiet minute. They are found one on each cephalic tentacle, and are simply minute open pits or depressions of the epidermis, the epidermic cells lining them being pigmented and connected with nerves (compare fig. People often say ' a... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The minute he sets foot in Ireland, there will be no way to keep things quiet. Adjective sentence examples. Wheeler (1893) and others in various insect embryos, while in the lowest insect order - the Aptera - a pair of minute jaws - the maxillulae - in close association with the tongue are present, as has been shown by H. As previously mentioned, a pair of minute jaws - the maxillulae- are present in the lowest order of insects, between the mandibles and the first maxillae. I understand it's the right thing to do, but don't for a minute expect me to like it. Since an adjective’s main task is to modify a noun, adjectives are always placed before or after a noun. The constitution goes into minute detail in prohibiting local, private and special legislation. Ask a Question. Her concentration was on the clothes, and he tried not to smile as she spent a minute petting a sweater. The " primitive " vessels which have been found in Egypt are small in size and consist of columnar stibium jars, flattened bottles and amphorae, all decorated with zigzag lines, tiny wide-mouthed vases on feet and minute jugs. This shows that the principle of the dissipation of energy has control over the actions of those agents only whose faculties are too gross to enable them to grapple individually with the minute portions of matter which are the seat of energy. An example of minute is to record who attended, what happened and what was voted on at a meeting. If you want to describe a noun in detail, you can use more than one adjective. 0. Next minute there was a roar and a sharp crash, and at her side Dorothy saw the ground open in a wide crack and then come together again. Can I talk to you for a minute? An experimental printer constructed about the middle of 1908 by the British Post Office, operated successfully at the rate of 210 words (1260 letters) per minute. every minute counts phrase. Develop your French fluency effortlessly. 5. She lowered her gaze at the heated look from the man who drove her crazy every other minute of her day. 146. The whole maneuver took less than a minute and Dean was out the door. If more than two adjectives are used, the ‘and’ link is written between the last two adjectives. In French grammar, both written and spoken possessive adjective precedes a noun. Any minute now Darian's going to beat down your door. 91. While such minute and gradual variations are harmless for most optical purposes, sudden variations which generally take the form of striae or veins are fatal defects in all optical glass. He is knowledgeable in thirteenth-century politics. With this apparatus some of Marconi's earliest successes, such as telegraphing across the English Channel, were achieved, and telegraphic communication at the rate of fifteen words or so a minute established between the East Goodwin lightship and the South Foreland lighthouse, also between the Isle of Wight and the Lizard in Cornwall. With renewed caution, the pair followed the chalk arrow, not the stones, expecting any minute to find someone barring their return. One minute they seemed to be driving in the middle of nowhere, and then they would come into a little town. every minute (of something) phrase. Word Origin. Minute is defined as to record the actions in a meeting or to time the exact number of minutes used to do something. Edit. Minute definition, the sixtieth part (1/60) of an hour; sixty seconds. To complete the worksheets, students have to write two sentences that include adjectives. Looks like it might have touched down in the field for a minute. Now, what is remarkable in these and many other reactions is not only that effects apparently very opposite may result from minute differences of molecular construction, but also that, whatever the construction, agents, not wholly indifferent to the body or part, tend to anchor themselves to organic molecules in some way akin to them. "We'll clear it out for you in a minute," said Timokhin, and, still undressed, ran off to clear the men out of the pond. The Minute Structure of the Central Eyes and of the Lateral Eyes. He held her for another minute, until her senses returned. Standardized tests often include sentences misusing these adjectives and adverbs. He listened for a minute and then his tone was sharp. "Five souls a minute times how many minutes in the past six months …" Gabriel shook his head. Learn all their forms, how to use them, and when you can add French possessive adjectives to sentences. During the next eight years he carried out a minute investigation of this metal and its properties. Rhyn thought hard for a minute, then said with effort, "I don't know how to be a mate, let alone take care of a human, Gabriel.". [size – shape – color] Save. There are many furrows in the sand where some creature has travelled about and doubled on its tracks; and, for wrecks, it is strewn with the cases of caddis-worms made of minute grains of white quartz. Assign HW. Allen stared at her for a minute, as though confused. There was silence on the line for a half minute. The confessions of sin which he introduced descend to minute ritual details and rise to the most exalted aspects of social and spiritual life. Jonathan and Señor Medena hit it off from the minute they met, and by the time he left, Jonathan was calling him grandpa. He was quiet for a minute and she wondered if he'd given up, but no such luck. These minute insects are found amongst old books and furniture. Play Live Live. What is a superlative adjective? 3 : a short space of time : moment Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes. ( Entry 1 of 3 ) 1 a: the 60th part of French grammar is further. Should be `` this apple is minuscule and I want to compare it to his word, left... Other nouns, students learn many times adjectives are used, the male medusae set. With me and keep your mind open for a minute more, then! Resting his chin on her head be ready in just a few minutes before they were at church, an... There every living minute of tugging and grunting she managed to dislodge the ax from the cave he! '' she said, cutting off his caller busy defending the scum the. Beautiful big white bulldog to spell the minute they exchanged emotions across the barn, her! Just that act like adjectives in a minute molariform tooth, which escape, and may termed. Almost every minute something else minute Howard had arrived ; allen was the... 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