can you go under anesthesia while on your period

I was wondering if it’s possible to pee yourself while asleep under anesthesia. I felt SOOOOOO relieved. I'm in the same boat, I'm late and I'm freaking out but I had a procedure done this month and they put me to sleep under general anesthesia. Swelling and bruising of nasal region are the two common aftereffects of Rhinoplasty. You will be awake and alert and won’t need time to recover from the anesthesia. It is possible to decrease the flow of the blood during the menstrual cycle with the help of some pills.... Why Does My Head Always Hurt During My Menstrual Cycle? Additionally, fasting reduces the overall volume of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing pressure on the diaphragm whi… After the procedure, you will still have your periods and have sex normally. Damage to the brain can occur while under anesthesia, which is something that doctors rarely talk about to patients. General anaesthetics can affect your memory, concentration and reflexes for a day or two, so it's important for a responsible adult to stay with you for at least 24 hours after your operation, if you're allowed to go home. It’s possible that there could be some underlying issues that though they seem related to this occurrence, actually are not.  The timing is most likely just a coincidence because there has been no evidence of a causal relationship.A lot of times after having … Heavy bleeding, heavy cramps and several days of migraine. I know I'm not pregnant so I wasn't worried about that but started to wonder if this was normal. My Period Is 6 Days Late Pregnancy Test Is Negative, What's Wrong? Most likely, you will go home the same day; alternatively, you might be required to stay in the hospital for a few days. antibiotics CAN delay your period. You \"go to sleep\" and don't feel, sense or remember anything that happens after the drugs begin to work on your system. Clearance:You will be referred to an internal medicine specialist for a medical evaluation and clearance for surgery. Anesthesia per se should not affect the cycle. Please Help? Now, if anesthesia was given for a major surgery, especially for a surgery involving uterus and ovaries, then yes, the surgical … Why is it that just after I have repainted the white cladding at the front of my house, every insect in the area considers it necessary to commit hara-kiri on it? I am now 4 days late for my current cycle. General anesthesia is a combination of medications that put you in a sleep-like state before a surgery or other medical procedure. When scheduling your procedure with your surgeon, make sure you obtain an estimate of how long you will be in the hospital. Hey everyone, I am in PANIC. I'm having the opposite problem! This sedation of endometrium will delay the desqumative phase of cycle. Also, a large uterus can make it difficult to take deep breaths, especially while you are groggy. Weber Facial Plastic Surgery, It is certainly acceptable undergo general anesthesia before, during,  or after  your menstrual period. Your anesthesiologist will be present for the entire time you are “asleep,” monitoring your oxygen intake, vital signs, circulation, fluid loss, and level of consciousness to ensure everything remains at stable, normal levels. This also affect uterus which become sedate. Most people are awake during operations with local or regional anesthesia. It involves the use of a medicine […] The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. While anesthesia acts mostly during the operation, some effects may persist afterward. You'll also be advised to avoid driving, drinking alcohol and signing any legal documents for 24 to 48 hours. You can return to your office or homework on the day of the week ( 7-12 days of rhinoplasty surgery), and you can start sports activities in fitness style after 2 weeks. I don' know what to think , I  am going crazy. Hysteroscopy may be either diagnostic or operative. Hello Tejano2 I'm really scared to make a pregnancy test because I had unprotected sex (pull out system)a week before surgery. The anesthesiologist will use a propofol-based anesthesia—not a general anesthesia, but rather an intravenous sedation medication—to ensure you feel no pain or discomfort during the egg retrieval process. Anesthesia is defined as a medication for preventing pain. It is prudent to wait a few months till it is corrected. I get soooo nervous when i try to talk to this one guy or even like interact with him, and i wanna try to hang out with him because i asked him out and he said he didnt really no who i wuz so hed think about it. General anesthesia usually uses a combination of intravenous drugs and inhaled gasses (anesthetics).General anesthesia is more than just being asleep, though it will likely feel that way to you. Answer: Menstruation and anesthesia. My body can't take this right now! Breathing: While the breathing tube is in place (and it will be for general anesthesia), the ventilator can help you breathe. Has anyone else experienced this? I Had LEAP Surgery When I HPV. That's a relief! Also, the more comfortable you are, the easier it is for the anesthesia to work. Its now the 21st and I still have nothing, and the signs of my period coming is going away. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we don’t provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. What else happens? I had surgery 12 days ago and I was due 2 days ago. When you get general anesthesia, you're \"put under,\" which means that you're totally unconscious and immobilized. I’m confused because sometimes I hear it is actually hard to pee after you awake from anesthesia. While the idea of "going under" may worry you, the risks of anesthesia are pretty low these days. You should have an opportunity to discuss this with your plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist tomorrow prior to surgery. This helps with nausea afterwards, too. I have operated on many patients when they were experiencing their menses. I'm on birth control pills forsevere anemia (I'm not sexually active, so it's not early pregnancy or anything like that). I am in the same situation as everyone above. It threw the hormones out of whack. In general, the menstrual cycle has little to no influence on most types of surgeries. The anesthesiologist may put a medicine in your IV that helps the stomach empty properly (e.g., metoclopromide or Reglan) during and after anesthesia. I had breast augmentation 2 and a half weeks ago, and a week after surgery I started my period (3 weeks early). The average menstrual cycle for a woman is about twenty-eight days. Yes, dengue affects your menstruation.... What Happens If My Menstrual Cycle Was Less Than 18 Days Ago? General anesthesia is used for medical procedures that require you to be “put to sleep”. After Menstruation When Does The Girl Get Fertile Again? While you are under anesthesia, you don’t have a blink reflex so small particles of makeup (especially mascara) can injure your eyes. This sheet talks about exposure to general anesthesia in pregnancy and while breastfeeding. I also had the high dose of antibiotics prior to surgery and the general anesthesia. If you suspect that anesthesia is the culprit behind your period slowing down, it’s important to bring this up with your doctor. Bleeding during nasal surgery performed by a rhinoplasty expert is typically minimal. The duration has gone from bleeding heavy for the first 4 to5 days. I had surgery exactly a week ago and I've had light bleeding and cramps for 3 days! This means that endometrial lesions can bleed during your period, which can lead to many signs of endometriosis. For a procedure like Rhinoplasty, you wouldn’t need bed rest and c... First of all, thank you for giving you the opportunity to answer nice questions. In most circumstances, the patient will meet … However it has not come and I'm beginning to Panic!!! After anesthesia during surgery, this effect will continue for some days. I had surgery and was supposed to start my period about three weeks after, and still have not. After surgery, you must take over this function again. If your Hemoglobin is low and you are anemic you need to speak to your Plastic Surgeon ASAP. Today is Wednesday, February 17 and I still have not gotten my period. Multiple types are available. 1. Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. Today ss the 3rd day that my period is delay. The timing is most likely just a coincidence because there has been no evidence of a causal relationship. I Was Given Growth Hormones And Pulled Off Suddenly Many Years Ago. Other instruments or techniques, such as dilation and curettage (D&C) and laparoscopy, are sometimes used in conjunction with the hysteroscopy.2 Diagnostic hysteroscopy can be used to diagnose certain conditio… Since this happens to others I guess its normal! ... and other vital functions while you're under. Medical downtime is associated with alleviation of pain, duration of restriction of routine activities and use of postoperative medications. Now I am 46 and still bleed heavily, but only for 3 days at the most with some spotting. However, a pre-anesthetic fast of one to four hours is recommended, as they accumulate food and fluid within the oral cavity and oropharynx. While anesthesia is very safe, it can cause side effects both during and after the procedure. Today I am still bleeding, although it's been light and mucousy and not at all heavy, and today I started having cramps. Help? I Am 20 Years Old And Never Had A Period! During recovery I went to check my pad hoping it was not full,  in fact it was dry., You may have this surgery done under general anesthesia (being asleep), or local or spinal anesthesia (anesthesia that leaves you awake, but unable to feel pain). Will sleeping for more hours than usual help me grow taller? Being anemic prior to an operation has a lot of drawbacks and I dont proceed with the operation if patients are anemic. I started my period the day before I was due to have my op. Stephen Weber MD, FACS It’s possible that there could be some underlying issues that though they seem related to this occurrence, actually are not. What movie is this gif from? Most side effects of general anesthesia occur immediately after your operation and don’t last long. If you’re experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. To reduce the volume in the stomach that can potentially be aspirated, you will be asked to fast for a period of time before surgery. I am on the same boat as your self. You can go home as soon as you feel well enough. When you sleep your heart slows down, so does your breathing and body temperature. This is called "twilight sleep." All anesthetic medicines have sedative effect. Common sense tells me that shutting the brain down for a long period can do damage to future normal brain functions. I had knee surgery and was "under" for about six hours. Whenever you have surgery, anesthesia helps you get through the procedure without pain. Rabbits cannot vomit, so fasting is not mandatory. Local anesthesia—such as a shot of novocaine from the dentist—numbs only a small part of your body for a short period of time. She said I should receive a normal period for my next cycle, and also told me to use a "back-up" method of birth control until the end of the week. I have researched the net for an answer and as most have said the body must be going through stress.. Menstruation in general should not impact your surgery. I don't know what to do, and my BF does not understand that this is serious.I'm usually on time when it comes of the period day; but this month December 08-09 I had an appendectomy surgery obviously I had a general anesthesia. I'm sure next month will be back to normal. Hi I know this is a lot later than your question was originally asked. ... See if you can meet with your anesthesiology team. Does Dengue Fever Affect The Menstrual Cycle? I was scheduled for outpatient surgery on August 28th and my menstrual cycle started almost two days before the procedure. Menstruation is also called menses... Why Does My Washing Machine Slow Down During The Spin Cycle? You will get periods when the effect of anesthesia will be gone. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? I underwent surgery recently but wasnt due till a week after the surgery. You can determine this by a simple blood test before the operation. Reading the other posts, this seems to be quite normal. Under general anesthesia, you don't feel pain because you're completely unconscious. did you end up getting your period the next cycle? For more information and many before and after rhinoplasty examples, please see the link and the video below. In fact, women may feel more at ease because they do not have to worry about unwanted pregnancy. It's not normal for my cycle to be off track wasn't sure if anesthesia put some hold off on my cycle. Source(s): i'm 23 and i've had 9 surgeries (8 under general anesthesia and 1 under IV sedation) after each surgery i was put on antibiotics and a few times i was due to get my period a couple days after the surgery and it would come late. What is general anesthesia? CAN SOMEONE HELP (they also did a pregnancy test and I was negative) I'm also taking birth control, and never missed a day. If it may have an effect, the surgeon and/or anesthesiologist will definitely ask you about it before the procedure. This should provide some reassurance for you. Effects of Anesthesia. However, you should tell your doctor about any … Regional anesthesia numbs a larger area—such as everything below the waist—for a few hours. (just seems rather bizzare). When I Go To The Doctor's Office They Seem Puzzled And I Never Get A Straight Answer. It is certainly acceptable undergo general anesthesia before, during, or after your menstrual period. What is the typical rhinoplasty recovery like? I know sometimes you have a catheter when you are asleep, but I’m wondering if you don’t have a catheter if you actually can wet the bed while your asleep. This clearance includes a history and physical examinatio… Generally speaking there is no risk provided your Hemoglobin level in your blood is normal. I had general anesthetic and my period only lasted a couple of days. This information should not take the place of medical care and advice from your healthcare provider. I am on Yaz birth control pills, too. I called the doctor's office today to be on the safe side, and they explained that it is perfectly normal not to get a period for the first month after receiving anesthesia. Hope this information helps, As long as you are otherwise healthy and don't anemia at baseline this should not be an issue. At the end of june I had surgery (tonsil removal) and I was due to have my period the 7th of the following month. am having a rhinoplasty tomorrow under general anasthesia but my menstruation started today is there any problem doing it tomorrow? Does getting put to sleep with general anesthesia for a procedure mess up or delay your menstrual cycle? I don't know for sure, but I just had surgery 10 days ago and I have my period for the second time this... Menstrual cycle is regulated by the hormones and pituitary gland is key gland in this regulation. Does the Coriolis effect really affect the way in which water drains in the north and south hemispheres? I hope this information is helpful. I'm freaking out. How come it seems like I always want to eat even when I'm completely not hungry? Thank you, that helps somewhat although i am now wondering how long the effects last as i thought it was only for about 48hrs!! Now That I Am Married, Does This Have Any Affect On Me Getting Pregnant? I know this was asked a while ago, but in case there are other people who might see this like I did while researching the same thing. Its makes me feel better that there are others out there suffering from the same thing but I have never wanted it to come so badly!!! If you’re having surgery, you most likely will have some type of anesthesia to keep you from feeling pain during the procedure. Dental work often requires antibiotics to prevent or treat infections. Dr. Answer (1 of 13): If you suspect that anesthesia is the culprit behind your period slowing down, it’s important to bring this up with your doctor. After being home about ten days I have started to bleed again. My Period Came 10 Days Early, What Does That Mean? General anesthesia makes you unconscious and is used during many surgical procedures. You’ll be under sedation, so you won’t feel a thing during the procedure. Author has 52 answers and 398.3K answer views. The well-established cycle in a young woman with a healthy reproductive system is a pretty robust mechanism not so easy to disrupt. I was wondering if what kind of surgery you have and the amount of anesthesia/time you were "under" effects how long it will be until your period is back to "normal" again. I am freaking out, which I shouldn't be because they did do a pregnancy test at the hospital before the surgery, but my period is NEVER late. Ask a Question. The types of after-effects depend primarily on whether you are fully asleep -- as with general anesthesia -- or receive regional or local anesthesia. In addition to the precautions that can be taken ahead of time, you as the owner can request certain protocols be followed while your pet is under anesthesia. I 've always been a heavy bleeder ever since I started my menses at 11 year-olds. I went in for surgery on my foot and was on the 2nd day of my usually heavy cycle. There is a wide range of cost estimates for a rhinoplasty procedure. Also, makeup, hair products and nail polish can be flammable and should not be worn when you are having surgery. What Does It Mean If Your Period Is Bright Bright Red? (srry its so long). Sometimes you can get both regional anesthesia and a sedative through an IV. My period stopped immediately, no blood whatsoever. You won’t be restricted from driving or other activities unless you’re taking opioids for pain or your surgery makes these activities difficult. My teenage daughter had surgery on Day 2 of her period and it stopped it completely. Glad to see I'm not the only one this has happened to. For more information and many before and after rhinoplasty examples, please see the link and the video below. 1 0. Diagnostic hysteroscopy is used to diagnose some uterine abnormalities, and may also be used to confirm the results of other tests such as hysterosalpingography (HSG). If you are experiencing pain, request additional numbing. Most patients meet their anesthesiologist pre-surgery. I had surgery for a deviated septum on Monday, February 8, 2010, and was due for my period on Sunday, February 14. As I don't know if it is an older or a newer type machine I can only give an answer that... How To Slow Down Blood Flow During Menstrual Cycle? Here are some related questions which you might be interested in reading. Some allow you to be alert and oriented during a medical procedure, while others make sleep so you… Typically, the period of time when you’re under general anesthesia is a blank. Your oxygen reserves are reduced during pregnancy. I was given general anesthesia, IV antibiotic and i was put on aspirin since I'm now bedridden for a few weeks. I was wondering the same thing, I'm 3 weeks late, and like you was also supposed to start 1-3 days after surgery, which it did not, and it's now been 3 weeks, with no sign of it coming. Make sure to plan accordingly, considering work schedules, holidays, and upcoming family plans. When you are comfortable, the amount of stress on you and the baby is reduced. 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