importance of questioning techniques

Sharing and modelling thinking processes can demonstrate to other pupils ways in which they can use the processes themselves. If pupils cannot answer questions of a specific type, the teacher can lower the order to take them What do you do when you ask the question ‘What makes you think that Rakesh?’ and get the answer ‘Dunno, miss’, Do you provide other, extending questions: ‘What other alternatives did you consider? The depth of knowledge of every subject or situation can be increased with the help of questioning. They also are useful in asking oneself and others various questions to help them reflect on their experiences and to learn. part of their becoming independent. kinds of knowledge to create new understandings, (synthesis) after which they can then move on to evaluate, the "highest" hand upturned, silence with continued eye- contact etc, Echoing: “So you think that…?” “So what you’re saying is…” Can someone summarise what Tara has just said?”, Reflecting: “Yes, I sometimes think that… “I know what you mean I also think…” “Do you feel that…". in conjunction with mini-whiteboards or colour swatches for multiple-choice answers -A is red, B is blue etc. order. using a variety of questions in the classroom can serve many different purposes — they can be used to: You could use questions to engage your students, check for understanding, test for comprehension, seek opinions, encourage creative and critical thinking, review information, or help students see other ways of thinking. Teachers who model a question in mind by thinking aloud and asking good questions help pupils to be active in questioning. Developing pupils’ metacognition is crucial if we want them to be less reliant on the teacher as the person who ‘knows’. Involves looking for the positives- the sunny day thinking - advantages, benefits or savings, but they must be justified! "Here's the answer, what's the question?" Games such as "Key-word Bingo" where pupils write down a number of words from the board. Questioning your opponents will help to reduce their confidence. Do you stage or sequence questions with increasing levels of challenge, moving them from unsorted or unordered knowledge to organised understanding, where patterns and meaning have been established? Misunderstandings are common in everyone’s life. It is about broadening the range of options before any one of them is pursued in detail, and does not require the logical justification of alternatives. No learning is complete without questioning. Will there be sufficient drainage? e.g. e.g. Open and Closed Questions / Why did you decide to..? This is particularly effective as a revision strategy.... Do your questions reinforce/ revisit the learning objectives? Various Questioning Techniques Open-Ended Questions. Compare the quantity and quality of responses for yourself! Do you ask pupils to listen accurately? Questions are the most common form of interaction between pupils and teachers, yet research suggests that the majority are recall and comprehension - lower order questions which do not require pupils to actively process information. Questions are used to teach as well as to assess student understanding, and thus questioning plays a critical role in the overall success of a classroom. In short, success is not possible at all without facing questions. importance of solar energy in our daily life. The technique … Pupils can write exam type questions for themselves - and develop mark schemes to increase understanding of the kind of depth required. Clarify your learning intentions - link your key questions to them, Plan a few key questions to use, perhaps collaboratively, or within medium term plans. It takes some training, but it's worth it! In order to raise pupils' levels of achievement they therefore need regular practice in higher order thinking - analysing, synthesising and evaluating. The answer can never be a no. Questions may include: What would we ideally wish for? If you tend to question the same pupils try moving about the classroom. Sam, do you agree? Only when you question a person, you will be able to understand both other’s faults. If you keep quiet in all the situations, people will have the tendency to take you for granted. in a higher quality of response. What do we need? Like other strategies, pupils get better at it the more they use it. Focus pupils on the key issues and enable teachers and pupils to see progress over time. a developer's view on aproposed brownfield site, What questions might a ... have about this? Strategies for extending pupils’ responses: Pausing (giving thinking time) - before and after asking, and after response, encourages pupils to extend their answers. What is missing? How will the water be transported? Effective communication is about asking the right questions. Asking questions is an important part of any teacher's daily interaction with their students. "What might ...... think about James' argument?” As pupils answer a question, they hand over one of their cards. A pupil may even be able to do this, and this may engage others in the discussion about who answers and why... Use of mini whiteboards - pupils have to show their answers. Asking the right questions also allows you to manage people effectively and build healthier relationships. Involves emotions, feelings, hunches and intuition, and therefore allows people to put forward feelings without having to justify them, however mixed they are! De Bono's "Thinking hats" approach is an effective way of getting pupils to ask questions from a variety of perspectives, again allowing teachers to assess pupils' current level of thinking. Questioning is an important component of the teaching/learning process and is embedded in quality instruction and strategic thinking. Ø Submissions to the Education and Employment Committee for its Report on the Highly Able (1999) urged teachers’ increased use of effective questioning techniques with gifted and talented pupils. Children need to listen to their teacher and their peers and have the confidence to express their own thoughts, “Sharing responses to Literature is one of the most me… What patterns can you see in the ways these verbs change? can quickly ratchet up the thinking required and make pupils make connections. Bloom's taxonomy, reproduced in the chart below, can help with this. Consider where the thinking hats approach would enrich pupils' thinking in your subject. Teachers report that allocating roles to pupils to start with can help them grasp the idea. Extend the key questions with subsidiary questions to ask. Irving Sigel devoted his life to the importance of asking questions. Consider the techniques you will employ - e.g. Improvements will not happen if nobody questions you. "The answer is 42 - what could the question be?" Try to use the steps in the taxonomy to plan sequences of questions in a lesson or to plan objectives for lessons over a Questioning allows us to find out more about the respondent, this can be useful when attempting to build rapport and show empathy or to simply get to know the other person better. questioning strategies. ! By asking questions, the students will be able to learn more rapidly. It is helpful to plan sequences of questions that build on and extend students [ thinking. Teachers need to handle incorrect responses effectively so that they are raising the level of challenge rather than the level of stress, and at the same time, encourage pupils to develop a broader understanding by making connections between bits of knowledge. Do you provide opportunities for pupils to explain the processes they chose, as well as describe the outcome? Ask any teacher whether technique is important, and you'll receive a positive answer. Can you preface your questions with an individual’s name and a motivational challenge? Where will It is about reflecting on the process rather than the decisions. Which slogan is likely to have the greatest impact? One questioning technique which is essential to the development of higher thought processes is wait-time. If a pupil is used to asking a teacher ‘Is this right?’ and getting a response then they are likely to not have checked their answer, not gained a deep enough understanding of the concept they are learning or have their need for affirmation so ingrained over years of schooling that they simply hav… A person who refrains from asking questions will have less knowledge compared to those who ask a lot of questions. Teachers can see clearly who has still all their cards and can target an appropriate question! The teacher modelling appropriate types of questions e.g. Ask just about any student whether technique is important, and you'll get a look of confusion. If you want your product to be successful, be ready to answer a lot of questions. why? For example they: Planning key questions and embedding them early in lesson - often in the learning objective - has been particularly effective. Below-mentioned are some of the important aspects of questioning. focuses on the teacher’s role in questioning; next month’s issue will focus on student generated questions.. Questions to Extend Mathematical Thinking, Creative Ways to Teach Money at Primary School, Define, recall, describe, label, identify, match, name, state, Translate, predict, explain, summarise, describe, compare (events and objects), classify, Demonstrate how, Solve, Try it in a new context, use, interpret, relate, apply ideas, Analyse, explain, infer, break down, prioritise, reason logically, reason critically, draw conclusion. Why? It relies on a rigorous sequence of questions, and is powerful in that each question is spontaneously driven by the previous answer. Try to answer the questions as honestly as you can. This is vital for assessment for learning in that it gives opportunities for the teacher to identify and challenge misconceptions and insecurities so that their next steps can address the learners’ real needs. Questions are commonly used in communication to clarify something that the speaker has said. The more patterns it forms, the more flexible it becomes. This in turn leads to greater motivation and improved engagement. 1. pupils come up with one or two ideas/questions independently, pair up to discuss/ develop them then share with the class. • To develop teachers’ self-awareness and analysis of their own questioning techniques • To identify key features of good questioning • To enhance the planning for, and use of, questions • To identify relevant skills and plans for professional development (related to questioning) which teachers can then pursue OHT 4.1 Consider the difference between "Draw me an isosceles triangle" and "Draw me some different triangles. How do we get it? According to Dr. J. Doyle Casteel, "Effective Teaching," effective … Questioning is not simply a method of eliciting information, although it naturally performs that primary role. What alternatives are there? You’ll learn about verbal and nonverbal communications, and strategies to enhance your questioning and listening skills. pairs discuss, move into fours, share ideas, fours to eights -feed back. For example, try a jigsawing activity where ‘yellow hats’ plan their questions together, as do greens etc., Pupils then reconvene in original/home groups for a discussion, having considered the problem from a variety of perspectives. Higher Order Questioning Techniques for All students. Try using quiz-type programmes on the interactive-whiteboard (Block-busters etc.) Questioning is the key means by which teachers find out what pupils already know, identify gaps in knowledge and understanding and scaffold the development of their understanding to enable them to close the gap between what they currently know and the learning goals. Questioning forms new patterns in the brain. Does anyone think anything different?". Do you ask pupils to explain their thinking? … But how and where to start? Not only do more pupils answer, they also add greater detail, and pupils who have initially given an incorrect response often self-correct if the teacher waits a few seconds. Questioning is, in fact very important in one’s life. Pupils colour-code aspects of a topic green for good (could explain to someone else) amber for o.k. Analyse the answers you are given and decide on "follow-up" responses. In what ways do you foster an atmosphere of trust where pupils' opinions and ideas are valued? Was this a good way to go about making the decision? Research indicates that asking questions is second only to lecturing. ‘So, if I’m right what you’re saying is….’. The Importance of Questioning The Importance of Questioning Questioning is the key means by which teachers find out what pupils already know, identify gaps in knowledge and understanding and scaffold the development of their understanding to enable them to close the gap between what they currently know and the … The quality of the work we do in our everyday life will improve if you ask questions. Pupils read words and definitions when they get a full house, or a line, or a column etc. You will not have any idea of the mistakes you have made if no one takes note of it. If you find it hard to wait you could try: ‘Reflective questioning’ is the same idea as reflective listening, in that it involves repeating back to the speaker what they have just said. Do I think this design is too modern? What evidence can you find? Try simple strategies like asking a pupil who often answers to select two or three others to answer - thus keeping them involved. Think, pair, share When pupils begin a piece of work, make planning explicit and encourage internalisation of the success criteria: Whilst they are working, help them make their thinking explicit: At the end of a lesson, promote reflection and metacognition: Developing confidence to do this requires not only that they feel safe to get things wrong but importantly that they have opportunities to develop questioning strategies which can be applied across subjects. Higher order questions help pupils explore ideas and make connections, helping pupils see the "big picture" of the learning. In this article, you will find the importance of questioning in one’s life. Involves metacognition - thinking about thinking. ß Using traffic lights to encourage pupils to identify for themselves where their understanding is good and less assured. where? These techniques, it was argued, would encourage pupils to take risks, and to think divergently and creatively. Questioning techniques are a heavily used, and thus widely researched, teaching strategy. Five principles for effective questioning 1. Using questioning strategies which demand that all pupils are involved in recalling information can ensure engagement and pace, avoiding the teacher - pupil routine where only a few pupils respond. Does your questioning engage pupils in thinking for themselves? Socratic questioning is a fairly intensive questioning methodology, in which the instructor feigns ignorance and entices understanding out of the learner(s). Everything, when questioned, will become more evident and simple. This can help pupils focus on the input, and help the teacher understand from what levels pupils are approaching a topic. Recall questions are often necessary to lay out the territory of the lesson, fix key vocabulary etc. How many people live there? What about an adventure park? Does anyone think something different?". Questions may include: What are the benefits? Tell the pupils clearly "This is a hands down question - I expect you all to be able to give me an answer, even if that answer is 'I'm not sure'." Do they listen and respond to each other as well as the teacher? Or in Geography, "Should Belize have developed tourism?" ‘James, I know that you can give me three examples…’. - Suggesting pupils have half a minute to share their answer with a partner before feeding back. Speculate? Articulating understanding helps to clarify it and improves the likelihood that it will be retained. Help pupils to develop their thinking from the lower order concrete and factual recall type to the higher order analytical and evaluative which promote deeper understanding. When a student questions, the teachers will understand that they are actively involved in the class. pupils need most "think time"? 1. He believed, correctly, that the brain responds to questions in ways that we now describe as social, emotional, and cognitive development. Use the 'thinking time' pause after asking the question to consider who has answered questions already. It will also enhance your overall thinking capacity. Cotton (1989) says that virtually no attention is paid on developing questioning techniques of teachers during their pre-service training period. Do you promote justification and reasoning? period of time to make sure they are making increasingly challenging cognitive demands on pupils. Thus, it will help to make more successful decisions in your life. This can be very revealing about distribution in terms of location and gender. Giving pupils ‘post its’ on which they write questions about the topic prior to the main teaching input. We have listed five of the best below. Is my gut reaction yes or no? This week, we will be covering the different types of communications styles. What else could we do with the space? Effective listening and questioning techniques are two of the most powerful skills coaches use to help educators obtain knowledge, deepen understanding, refine skills, reflect on instructional practices, and learn how to successfully communicate with students and colleagues. The person being questioned also will be able to correct you on time if you openly discuss all the questions. Can you do this in ways that make it safe to get it wrong? Model for pupils how experienced learners seek meaning- moving them towards greater independence. What Are The Benefits Of An Accountability Partner? There are lots of reasons for using questioning techniques as one of your teaching strategies in the classroom. The following are some questioning techniques you could consider … Questions may include Where are we now? Or some futuristic green houses? Do I want a building in the middle of this area? … Think time after an answer to encourage pupils to reflect on an answer and add/ modify for themselves. Questions may include: What do I feel about that decision? My top ten list is roughly organised by transitions within a lesson: beginning with 1 to 4 being questioning that initiates the learning process; 5 and 7 being core questioning techniques to develop the learning; and finally 8 to 10 being questioning strategies that are evaluative in nature: 1. e.g. Stage them so that the level of challenge increases as the lesson proceeds. There may well be exceptions to this, but Bloom's is helpful when scaffolding questions. What are the dangers of the plan? If you find a way to take all the questions positively, you will be able to improve yourself. questioning technique is an effective technique in provoking students to write. offering an opposing view - e.g. or " The answer is Henry VIII, how many questions can you think of that this could answer?" Phone a friend/ ask the audience (Builds confidence - can be used for low and high order questions. Try the approach to some of the more complex issues in your subject and evaluate whether it helps broaden pupils' thinking. Address a question directly to a named pupil. Is a leisure centre really needed here? Where else might you be able to use those strategies? Questions can be positive or negative. Research has found that training learners to generate thoughtprovoking questions and then answer them is a very effective tudy technique. Further, Aggarwal (2013) highlights the importance of questioning techniques because psychologically and philosophically asked questions help teachers achieving … You all would have faced a lot of questions at each and every point of your life. Bloom suggests that pupils need to have knowledge before they can understand it and that they need to understand it before they can apply it in different contexts. e.g. Funnel questions can also be used to diffuse tension: asking someone to go into detail about their issue distracts them from their anger and gives you the information you need to offer them a solution, which in turn calms them down and makes them think something positive is being done to help them. This technique also allows teachers to engage reluctant pupils, who may be given fewer cards. where pupils prepare questions to ask of a character e.g. asking the same child follow up questions to probe understanding. Vary this by asking pupils with partially correct answers to listen and add to their response having heard others. Do you use the ‘individual, work as a pair, share as a group, present to the class’ method to its best effect? Can you encourage upside – down thinking by asking for the opposite point of view, or an outrageous alternative? Speaking and Listening are to be developed in innovative and exiting ways through discussion and questioning. Questioning will also help to review a decision which has already been made. In your professional life, questioning will help to strengthen your product or brand. It is this feedback which in turn enables teachers to tailor their teaching to what pupils need to know next that enables the assessment to be for rather than of learning. They tick off questions as they are answered and ask about anything not covered at the end. This is the amount of time that elapses between a teacher asking a question and calling upon a student to answer that question. (Allows safety - no one person is responsible for the answer.). It is important to remember that one of the key aims of assessment for learning is to enable pupils to become increasingly independent. when? Do you model for pupils the sort of questions they might want/ need to ask? (Also see Building Rapport and Empathy) To clarify a point. He will be able to understand even the most complicated subjects better. Focusing on the kinds of questions we ask in classrooms and the strategies we use can help us achieve this. Which were the most effective strategies? Effective questioning is a great method for getting students to think critically and independently and for you to discover any misunderstandings. Hence, even if you are not sure about your question, it is always good to discuss them openly. You have to understand that only people who are concerned about you will find time to question your work. Prompt pupils to inspect their existing knowledge and experience to create new understandings. These problems mainly arise when people do not clarify the issues without asking any questions. Asking and answering questions is a key ingredient in the learning process and in effective teaching. Do questions feature in your medium term and short term plans. Questions … Huh? ", “Could you say a little more about that?”, Non- verbal cues, e.g. Asking the right questions gives us the information we need when we need it. - "You are not allowed to answer this question in less than 15 words... Techniques which foster extended responses enable teachers to identify and challenge misconceptions so that their next steps can address the learners’ real needs. In its simplest form, it encourages pupils to approach "big issues" from a variety of perspectives making them more manageable. thinking aloud..."Now, a really good question at his point would be...... because..." This can later be adapted to "What would be a really good/ important question to ask at this point? Who knows and who needs further input and who does n't, and modify teaching accordingly are questioning! Also will be able to evaluate the level of thinking required and make connections to... On aproposed brownfield site, what, where, … the act of asking questions that asking questions, who! Teaching strategy use of questions that build on and enhance student learning chart where you who... Other ’ s faults … one questioning technique which is essential to the main input... ’ RE saying is…. ’, … the act of asking questions is a method... Which has already been made every subject or situation can be increased with the help of questioning other s! 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